Slot Mortising Attachment SG 230

Ref. no.: 200990
Delivery specification
  • 1 Grease gun; Ref. No. 076158
  • boxed

Technical data

Mortising depth vertical230 mm
Mortising depth vertical9 1/16 in
Mortising depth horizontal285 mm
Mortising depth horizontal11 1/4 in
Mortising width in one cut6 - 21 mm
Mortising width in one cut1/4 - 13/16 in
Mortising length in one cut50 mm
Mortising length in one cut1 15/16 in
Weight7,7 kg
Weight17.0 lbs

Product details

The SG 230 is one of three options for the Chain Mortiser LS 103 Ec for cutting slots in beams and glulam.

Channels for supply lines, slots in posts or for concealed beam joints: with the SG 230 you can cut slots in any timber up to a depth of 285 mm (11 1/4 in.). With working depths up to 230 mm, a spring-loaded mechanism assists the return to the starting position.

With a weight of just 16.7 kg (36.8 lbs), you can even cut slots in fitted beams.

With this combination, the coordination of slot mortising attachment and chain mortiser enables you to make 100 % perfect size slots from beginning to end.


  • Cutting slots for beam joints and connectors
  • Compatible materials include solid wood, trusses and laminated beams


  • Robust, torsion free guide support stand – for perfect size slots.
  • Mortising width from 6 - 21 mm (1/4 - 13/16 in.) – for various applications.
  • Low overall weight – for excellent handling even in difficult working positions.


Accessories / Tools

Accessories / Tools